Customer stories

SunStream Hotels & Resorts

Written by Triptease author | Dec 19, 2022 11:22:40 AM


Incremental revenue


Saved by reducing undercut rate

We wouldn't be as successful as we are today without Triptease."

Triptease’s Direct Booking Platform was the first parity management software of its kind that SunStream Hotels & Resorts had implemented. Its impact was immediate. As soon as SunStream saw that they were being undercut by OTAs over 10% of the time, the value of the DBP’s parity management features was clear.

When I saw my customers searching and finding disparities in real time, and Triptease allowed me to resolve those disparities, I knew this value was huge.

Jill Weber
Revenue Director

Battling disparities and rescuing revenue

In just five months, the SunStream team has logged over 150 sessions in the Disparity Dungeon and brought that 10% undercut rate down to under 3% - saving almost $60,000 in lost revenue in the process. Once the direct website had the best rate more frequently, direct bookings increased.

I wouldn't know my disparity rate without Triptease's Parity tools - especially Disparity Dungeon. It's simple, easy, and it helps me to do my job every day."

Jill Weber
Revenue Director

Making a difference with Targeted Messages

SunStream isn’t just generating revenue from their increased levels of parity. They’ve also successfully implemented Triptease’s Targeted Messages feature across their site, and have already seen $150k of incremental revenue from our abandonment messaging. The SunStream team can now create targeted campaigns that deliver the right message at the right time, whatever stage guests are in their booking process.




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