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What to do with $7M funding…?

Written by Triptease Team | Feb 19, 2016 12:00:00 AM

What to do with $7M funding…?

Caught the headlines? That’s right, Triptease have received $7M Series A funding

First and foremost, we'd like to extend a huge thank you to our investors, including venture capital funds Notion Capital and Episode 1. It takes awesome to recognise awesome. We’re already working away at our ambition of driving 10 million direct bookings this year.


$7M funding for little old us, aw shucks…

I’d say ‘you shouldn’t have’ but that just wouldn’t be true. Here’s a sneak peak at why you really should have.

In the fast-lane

From a team of 8 to over 50, from a basement to international offices, from 1 to over 8000 hotels, it’s fair to say Triptease is in hypergrowth.

Doing Something Right

At Triptease, we believe direct is best. When Charlie Osmond, Alasdair Snow and Alexandra Zubko got together to found Triptease, they had one thing in mind: to take the stress and angst out of planning a trip. Speaking to hoteliers, this developed quickly into feeling the true pain in the industry and has led us to develop tools focused on the simple goal of driving direct bookings. This remains our sole motivator. It is, to quote Anthony Miller at HotNews, ‘great news for punters.’

“It’s crazy. We knew hotels were desperate for direct bookings. We tried and failed with a few initial ideas, but then suddenly hit on a little bit of magic. The impact on direct bookings was beyond expectations. We kept our heads down and launched two more tools. With this funding we will continue to invest in our products, which will help us deliver 10 million additional direct bookings this year. It’s going to be great for guests and great for hotels."   - Charlie Osmond, Chief Tease
A hub of ideas

We’re quite simply, and unashamedly, the most enthusiastic bunch you’ve met – described by one of our clients as ‘such cool geeks’.

Why? Well quite simply, it's all about the product.

We listen to our clients and user test new models every week to get constant input to the questions: how can we be better? What else would help? We share and debate ideas to continually expand and hone our direct booking toolkit. We share everything in our most frequented Slack channels: 'industry news' and 'obsessive learning' and allow it to drive us to continue innovating.

All the feedback, all the ideas, all the passion and now all the new investment get ploughed straight back into our products. That’s what ‘awesome’ looks like.

Ten Million

Ten million people booking direct. Just think about that for a moment. That’s everyone in the entire Czech Republic, booking direct. We’re all set. Are you in?

Get in touch to find out more.

About The Author

The Triptease Platform is built to help hotels take back control of their distribution and increase their direct revenue.