Customer stories

Hotel Interlaken

Written by Triptease author | Dec 19, 2022 8:42:29 AM
Location: Switzerland
Hotel type: Independent
Number of rooms: 61

Triptease has a lot of customers, but they also have time, attention and support for every hotel. As an independent hotel, it feels great to be seen and recognised.

Karin Øhlenschlæger Snitgaard
Webcontent & E-Commerce

"I couldn’t find any other vendor that could offer exactly what my hotel needed - to help us establish rate parity with OTAs and show that we have the best offer direct. Triptease did that and so much more!" shares Karin Øhlenschlæger Snitgaard.

"The integration with Triptease went really well. The Triptease team ensured that it was easy, fast and seamless."

"The Triptease Platform offers a holistic look at your data and Parity Management enables us to reduce disparity rates. Price Check and Targeted Messages allow us to convince our customers that we have the best offers for them directly on our hotel website!


"Working closely from the start meant we could define clear objectives and next steps for this direct booking strategy. It is great to see that continuous communication and cooperation with Hotel Interlaken has shown great results and resonated so well with their website visitors" adds Kilian Czekierski-Werner, Triptease Customer Success Coordinator.




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