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Triptease Product Updates: June 2018

Written by Holly Groom | Jun 1, 2018 11:00:00 PM

Product Updates: June 2018

by Holly Groom


If you're a Triptease customer you'll know that you can see the full list of everything our product team is getting up to by clicking on the Updates tab in the Triptease Platform. But we always like to share the highlights on the blog too because we're nice like that...

New dashboard data: Visitors, Searchers and Conversion Rate

Product: Insights - Date: Friday 29th June

We’ve recently added some new data to the Insights Dashboard so that you can now track your website Visitors, Searchers and Conversion Rate. This will help to give you a much clearer view of the overall trends on your website as well as any anomalies, drops and spikes in numbers.

This should be particularly useful when you’re looking to attribute your website traffic to any external marketing activities or campaigns - you’ll be able to clearly see the days on which more visitors came to your site, searched, interacted with a Triptease product and converted.

Here’s how it looks:

To view a particular metric on the graph just click that section of the Direct Bookers funnel and the relevant data will appear on the graph below.

There’ll be more exciting developments on the way very soon, but for now feel free to give us feedback on where we’re at so far. We love to hear your thoughts!

'Triptease Influenced' bookings

Product: Insights - Date: Friday 8th June

As we add more useful data into your Insights page within the Triptease Platform, we want to make it really clear to you where Triptease has helped to influence a booking on your website. To help with this we’ve added a Triptease influenced measure into the bar chart on your Insights dashboard.

In order to be counted as Triptease influenced a visitor on your website must have taken at least one of the following actions.

  • Hovered their cursor over Price Check for at least one second
  • Clicked anywhere on the Price Check widget
  • Had a Message Porter campaign open for between five seconds and ten minutes, and then closed it either by using the ‘X’ button or the call to action button

Additionally the visitor must have also made a search to be considered exposed, otherwise we would be unfairly comparing customers who had the chance to see Price Check against those who didn’t.

As ever, your feedback is so important to how we build and improve our product. What else would you like to see in the Insights dashboard?

Full page Agoda screenshots

Product: Parity - Date: Thursday 7th June

Adding Agoda screenshots to the Disparity Dungeon was a huge step forward in terms of helping our clients to manage their parity. But we always want to do more. So when we received feedback saying that the screenshots were helpful, but that it would be even more helpful to see a screenshot of the full page - including check in and check out dates - we got right to it.

You can now see full Agoda screenshots of the entire page. We automatically scroll the screenshot so that you can see the particular room and price that is relevant to the disparity in the Dungeon. You can also now easily download the screenshot too so you have proof that the disparity occured.

If there’s anything else we could be doing to improve the Disparity Dungeon - or any of our products - for you then please get in touch and let us know!

Open conversation queues in Front Desk

Product: Front Desk - Date: Friday 1st June

Previously in Front Desk, once an Agent had replied to a guest’s question that conversation would stay in their conversation queue and no other member of staff would be able to see it.

This meant that an Agent could potentially start replying to a guest but then leave the office for the day, change jobs - or simply not have the knowledge to answer the question - but nobody else could step in to take over. The guest would be left with no response - ever.

That’s why we’ve added the ability to see all conversation queues in the Agent Portal. All Agents can now see their own plus everyone else’s conversations, and can reassign them when someone else is better placed to respond.

Here's how it works:

Agents can also mark a conversation as Complete or Open, which means that other Agents can pick up Open conversations and help out if needed.

We’ll be building on and improving this new functionality very soon - so as usual we’d love to hear any feedback you have.