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For many hotels and hotel groups, providing a dynamic, personalized experience to visitors on your website and booking engine requires integrating third-party software that can be used to deliver messages and display tailored offers. The more effective the software, the higher the conversion you will experience on your site.

But proving the true effectiveness of a product is tricky business. Hotel websites are anything but standardized, so isolating the impact and attributing success to one single product across thousands of website variations requires some pretty gnarly data science to get right.

So how can you be sure that the solution you’re investing in is worth it?

In this paper, we’ll take you through how Triptease designed and carried out a global A/B test of its onsite messaging solution for hotels. Find out the steps we took to ensure a fair and valid test, the constraints of small-scale tests offered by other providers, and how we discovered that Triptease messaging products increase conversion rate by at least 10.6% depending on the ADR and size of the hotel or hotel chain.

10.6% uplift across thousands of different hotel websites. For many hotels, the result will be even higher. That’s a huge assertion of value and proof that notifications, nudges, and personalized messages work. You can check out some of our best-in-class clients driving huge uplift by using messages in combination with the full Triptease platform on our Customer Stories page.

Download the report to find out how we ran the test, and to dive deeper into the results across different hotel segments.


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More on A/B testing and conversion rate uplift: