Download our report to discover the six trends you need to know to capture travel demand in 2021.

Please note that this report refers to a Triptease product - the Express Mobile Experience - which has now been closed down. You can find out more about the decision to discontinue support for this product here.

In the midst of new virus strains and lockdowns, continued social distancing and ongoing travel restrictions the idea of preparing your hotel for an imminent bounce back might sound a little too optimistic. But if there’s one thing 2020 has shown us all it’s that change can happen fast. The key to success is being as adaptable and prepared as possible.

Throughout this year we've continued to analyze Triptease proprietary data alongside wider market research and have found many reasons to feel positive about the future for hotels. But when travel does return, it will not look quite the same as before. Hotels need to be ready for a bounce back in demand that takes an entirely different shape to what they knew.

Download your 2021 recovery guide